Our first program

On march 20th was released for the first time the first program of Green Eyes Breaking News simultaneously in Spain and Italy. There was an online connection between both schools. The children and teachers greet and asked about their feelings that day. In this link you can check […]


Introductory video about Breaking News about the new collaborative Erasmus+ Project among Chieri Comprehensive Institute (IT) and Santa Ana School in Cuenca (SP). Introducción al primer programa de TV del proyecto Erasmus+ Green Eyes Breaking News. Permanezcan atentos a sus pantallas. STAY TUNED #GreenEyesBreakingNews

Our Youtube Channel and eTwinning project.

This is our Youtube Channel where we will post our videos We are in eTwinning with the project #ID: 149798 We also use the hashtag #GreenEyesBreakingNews in our social media.

We are in the press!!

News about our E+ project in the local press in Cuenca. https://www.latribunadecuenca.es/noticia/zeea79343-92db-2ed7-bd845affff22f822/202402/emision-europea #GreenEyesBreakingNews

The logo and the name of the project

The Italian and the Spanish teams have designed some logos for our project and they have thought about some different names that give an idea of what we want to achieve. These were the final elected candidates: To choose the the logo and the name for our common […]

Green Eyes Breaking News

Project E+ 2023-1-ES01-KA121-SCH-000129579 «Green Eyes Breaking News» In this project we are going to design a TV News program about environmental issues around the world and fake news. We will also tell our everyday actions at school to take care of our environment. Santa Ana School in Cuenca […]

Erasmus Days 2023

El 11 de octubre el alumnado de 5º de Ed. Primaria ha celebrado los #ErasmusDays2023 en clase mediante el juego «Let’s explore Europe» para conocer más a fondo la Unión Europea. #ceipsantaanacuenca Educación Castilla-La Mancha Europe Direct Castilla – La Mancha #ErasmusPlus https://www.erasmusdays.eu/?_sfm_event_pays=135&_sft_event_type=other-event&_sft_event_tag=citizenship-civic-engagement

Acreditación conseguida

El CEIP Santa Ana ha logrado la acreditación 2022-1-ES01-KA120-SCH-000106557 Erasmus hasta 2027. Esto nos permitirá realizar acciones formativas, realizar movilidades y participar en acciones conjuntas con centros de Europa. There we go!!!