This is our Youtube Channel where we will post our videos We are in eTwinning with the project #ID: 149798 We also use the hashtag #GreenEyesBreakingNews in our social media.
News about our E+ project in the local press in Cuenca. #GreenEyesBreakingNews
The Italian and the Spanish teams have designed some logos for our project and they have thought about some different names that give an idea of what we want to achieve. These were the final elected candidates: To choose the the logo and the name for our common […]
Project E+ 2023-1-ES01-KA121-SCH-000129579 «Green Eyes Breaking News» In this project we are going to design a TV News program about environmental issues around the world and fake news. We will also tell our everyday actions at school to take care of our environment. Santa Ana School in Cuenca […]